Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mamma MIa!!!

(ketiak itam..eee)

Dayang Nur Mia Balqis...
Mia - sempena nama arwah mak.....

my second pregnancy was rather challenging thn d 1st one..
the up n downs started during the the 32 weeks..
mula2 ok jak...frm d 1sts weeks till before d above date..i thought i was so lucky..\
suma smooth...makan nyaman,tido nyaman...i really really thought i was the tough strong one..hehe
leh kira riak laa..riak abiss...!!

then lighting stike twice..huhuhu
32weeks till 35weeks...bleeding..hospitalised
started frm tht period nang cium bau spetar jak2..
kwang kwit normah specialist..
n im so lucky they hv a good doc
especially dr. Elizabeth

36weeks...normal sekejap..keja balit

37 to 38 weeks..kena food poisoning gik..haih...
masuk gik spetar...
till la 39 weeks..

kol 2 pagi ya..udah asa senak2..
tdo x pat..perut mulas2..
ingatkan ceret agik..huhu
dh sik tahan pagi ya..agak gik dr eli kol 10 am..
she examined..n dh bukak 2cm duhelll

lekak ya Dr kerobok2 gk...she adviced not to go for normal delivery..
the head was still way too high..'dont take the risk' she added

so i signed all d documents fr d c-sect..huhu
11.30 am..nait atas..g ward..
the contraction was still mild

start kol 12.00 contraction menggila....waaaaa
dh sik malu2 gik eh...merengek2 penuh perasaan
lekak ya contraction within 1 min....tok dh hazap benar muka aku...

kol1.20pm masuk OT...
kol1.40 baby dh kuar dr perut..
emo benar taim tok..
'it's a chubby girl' kata dr alex...(mcm la ku sik tau)

so bb diembak masuk bilit dlok..n kol 2.30pm baruk masuk bilit..

rasanya beranak k c-sect tersggt mudah..
3 hari kak beranak dh leh jalan..slow2 lerr...

tapi dugaaan melanda agik after 5 hari beranak
tetiba lak kuar bintit2 kat seluruh badan..
adeh...kenak ciken pox duheell..ish ish..
i never thought it hurt so much...
waaa.....waktu tok la sgt terharu n terkilan...

i was seperated frm bb Mia for the whole three weeks...
berkurung lam bilit...susu dipam kakya dibuang(emo nar part tok)
nangis2 bunag air susu lam jamban..

after one month...baruk dpt jaga baby..huhuh
rasa bahagia dpt nyusu badan nya..

even lepas dugaan yg siberapa ya, mak sikda nak ngeluh nyesal apa suma...
Maira n Mia, both of u r my sunshine, my lil angels..
mak sangguh hadapi,harungi,polah apa jak demi ktk duak..


  1. tahniah kak. baby girl lagi... Alhamdulillah... nang benar beranak c-sect sik susah & sik sakait tp nak jaga lukak jahitan ya lah ada susah.. hehehe... bila nak kembali berniaga? hehehe..

  2. nang benar koh..kmk udah la area jahit ya kenak ciken pok juak..bisa li asa...lamak sik nengar brita ktk koh..si g rumah beraya,embak si tembam ya..kmk lum start nyenep..brg nang byk k upload
